
The Entranced Gorilla Part 1 (Gorilla TF)

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Monkey-Scientist's avatar

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If there's something I'll never stop hating, it's stage hypnosis! All of those hypnotists tend to be phony, I've been on stage with several hypnotists over the years and not one of them has ever put me under. Maybe I'm just hard to hypnotize, but I doubt these hypnotists know what they are doing. My hypnotherapist is the real deal, he's able to easily put me under with no sweat! I had always assumed the techniques of stage magicians held no water, they were all smoke and mirrors. Well, with the exception of hypnotist that I met who's techniques seemed rather unnatural. I met this special hypnotist one day at a resort. I was on my way to see a special marathon of King Kong they were airing at a theatre next door, when I happened across a performance hall.

In big gold letters were the words, "The Great Mikba: The World's Greatest Hypnotist!" What kind of a name is "Mikba"? I thought only magicians had weird fake-sounding names like that! Now, I was truly intrigued, how great was this magician? The King Kong presentation wouldn't start for another hour and a half, plus live performances like this come free with my resort package. I wanted to see if the supposed "World's Greatest Hypnotist" could hypnotize me, maybe I can finally see if it's possible to get hypnotized on stage! I walked up to the front entrance and showed the man at the front my resort badge. He smiled and allowed me entry.

I wandered through the fancy hallways, and walked over the red carpet until I reached the room at the end of the hall. I wandered inside and found that the presentation had already begun! I quietly crept through the audience and grabbed a seat in the back. A woman with gorgeous black-hair stood on the stage, she was who I assumed to be Mikba. She was in the process of hypnotizing a man into believing he was a dog. After a few moments the man was walking around on four legs and barking like a dog. She had him do tricks for the audience, while he ran around with his tongue hanging out of his mouth like a moron.

After a few minutes she snapped her fingers and the man snapped back to reality. He wiped the drool off of his face as he clambered to his feet. The audience laughed at him as he awkwardly walked off the stage with his tail between his legs. "Alright, who would like to volunteer next?" Several audience members threw up their hands. I did so as well, but I doubted I would get called up. After all, I was near the back and she probably wouldn't me. To my surprise, she turned her head towards me and pointed at me. I was surprised, was it the luck or the draw or was it because I was one of the last to come in?

I walked up to stage and sat on the stool in front of the hypnotist. She stared at with me with a sultry grin on her face, her piercing green eyes felt like they were staring straight into my soul. I felt strangely uneasy about this whole thing. "So, what brings you here?" The question made me nervous, it felt odd for her to ask me something like that. "Well, I've never been hypnotized on stage before, only with my hypnotherapist. So, I was wondering if you could do it." The woman smiled and winked. "Very well. Since you've never been hypnotized before on stage, I'll let you choose what I should transform you into." A transformation? Usually a hypnotist just makes me think I'm that animal right away, no transformation is ever involved. Now I was truly interested. However, I had no clue what to choose! "How about you choose?"

Mikba smiled and began to giggle to herself. "How about a big bulky gorilla? Since you're going to King Kong anyways after the show!" I blinked in surprise, how could she possibly know that? Before I could ask, she pulled out a spiral that was colored red and black. "Just relax... Allow me to take you into a world deep inside your consciousness..." My mind relaxed as her words took root. Was I seriously going into trance? My eyes fluttered and suddenly everything went black. I opened my eyes and found myself in a strange black room. Where am I? And how the heck did I get here? I remember something about going to King Kong, but that's about it! Everything that happened afterwards was completely blank to me!

I was sitting there in a chair, unable to move an inch. It was as if my body was bound to the chair by an invisible force. Just then, a door opened and a familiar woman entered. My mind registered her as "Mikba", but I have no clue how I know his woman. "Welcome to the room of change. Today, I shall turn you into an ape and transfer you to a zoo." Was this woman on drugs? Transformation is impossible! She walked to me and grabbed hold of my heads. She started rubbing my palms as something odd started to occur. It felt like my palms were growing larger somehow. My hands were becoming bigger and bulkier! The skin on my hands looked like they were turning a dark shake of blue. Heck, it appeared as though all of my skin was turning blue!

The woman smiled as I turned a blackish shade of blue. Just then, she moved her hand up and stated rubbing my hair. To my surprise, my hair started to spread out from my head. It travelled down my body like a wave, causing rips and tears in my shirt as it did so. The fur was mangy and somewhat long. After my fur grew out, she took her finger and pressed it into my nose. My nose started to shrink and grow smaller as I found it receding into my own face.

My nose became non-existent as it melted into my face leaving two nostrils where it once was. She then took her hands and grabbed hold of my face. "Time to mold your face, big guy. Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit!" She pressed her fingers into my jaw causing it to shift and morph. My nostrils shifted as well as the whole front of my face became something akin to a small muzzle. My skull became larger as well, my whole head became something that was completely alien to me. The top of my head grew as well, giving me a dome-shaped head as a result.

The woman then turned her attention to my ears. She took her fingers and gripped my ears tight. She then started to pull them upwards, causing them to move up the sides of my head as a result! My ears now stood much higher as a result. She then moved her hands towards me torso. She started to rub my torso as another change took place. My muscle mass started to increase as my body bulked up. My shirt ripped even more, unable to hold the increase strain of my bulging muscles.

My body bulged with a large amount of muscle, even my pants were giving way! The jeans that I had spent quite a lot of money on started to give way. My muscular furry legs burst through my pants, luckily my nudity was covered by my thick gorilla fur. My torso also expanded outwards and ripped my shirt to pieces, exposing a pair of large blue-colored pecs in the process. My furry muscular torso was now fully on display. Mikba then removed my shoes and rubbed my feet, causing them to morph and shift. My toes turned into fingers as my big toes became thumbs. My feet soon became hands! I could hardly believe it, this mysterious woman had turned me into an actual gorilla!

Before I could do anything else, Mikba moved her index finger towards me forehead. "Before I bring you to zoo, I have to reduce your intelligence. After all, there's no such thing as a smart gorilla!" She pressed her fingertip into my forehead causing me to start to feel odd... It was getting hard to think, me was getting dumber! Me couldn't think no more, me was too dumb! Woman removed finger from me's head and told me to get off chair. Me stood up, but woman tapped me spin in return make me fall over! "Bad gorilla! Standing is for creatures with two legs, you have four!"

Woman mad at me now, me try not to make her upset. Woman command me to grab her by the hand. Me lift gorilla paw and grab woman's hand tight as she led me out of the room. Woman being me into a zoo and brought me over to people. Me was nervous and covered. Me wanted to tell people that me not gorilla, but me couldn't speak! Woman bring me to cage and send me inside. Me panic, me no want to be gorilla. "Now, when I snap my fingers, you will wake up..."

Me hear woman snap fingers and suddenly things changed... I shook my head and found myself crawling around on all fours in front of the whole crowd! I couldn't believe it, she actually hypnotized me! I stood up abruptly as the people continued to laugh. Something didn't sit right with me still though, how did she know I was going to King Kong? And why did that trance feel so real and so lucid? I had only gone into a trance a couple of times, and according to online sources it takes a lot of practice to make trances seem that real! "Thank you so very much for you performance, sir." Afterwards, I walked to the back of the theatre and left. I wanted to see more of the show, but I had my mind set on the King Kong marathon.

Actually, I desired it even more than I did before! It was odd, but I thought nothing of it at the time. I went over to the theatre next to the performance building and walked up to the ticket holder. I showed him my resort badge just like I did with the last ticket holder. Only this man appeared to be looking me up and down constantly. "Wow, you are one muscular specimen, good sir!" Muscular? I'm as skinny as a toothpick! I blushed at the man's statement and grunted in response. I didn't know why I grunted just then, but I didn't have too much time to think about it at the moment. The movie marathon was about to start!

I rushed to the room where the movies were being shown and entered inside. When I entered, I noticed something was somewhat off. I was able to see better in the dark room than I normally was. My vision is normally terrible in darkness, yet I could see perfectly in the dark crowded room. I noticed the theater was extremely empty, only few people seemed to be there. I took a seat in the middle row and sat down. As I did so, I took notice of my arm. It did appear to be more muscular than usual, just like the man said. I didn't think much of it, I was probably just tired after all the things I did today. I started watching King Kong.

After sitting through the first few scenes, something truly maddening occurred. King Kong was speaking! Well, sort of. He was grunting, yet I could perfectly understand what he was trying to say. How is that physically possible? The gorilla's intentions in the movie became more clear, I saw the movie through his eyes! However, I was the only one that appeared to be understanding the ape's grunts. I found myself grunting uncontrollably along with the ape as people started to stare with me.

What was happening to me?! I looked at my hand and found that it was growing! Was I still in trance? I reached my bulkier hand over to my face and pinched my cheek. It hurt, which meant that this was all real! I stood up from my seat and made a dash for the exit. I left the building and started breathing deeply. That's when I noticed a piece of paper sticking out of my pocket. The paper read, "Come meet me at 343 Reed Avenue." Had this paper been in my pocket the whole time? This situation was getting more and more bizarre.

Just then, my nose started to ache. It felt like it was shrinking! I cant believe that I was turning into a gorilla, just like in the trance I had just been in. I knew I had to travel to this location and find out what was going on. As I turned to leave, I noticed something going on across the street. It appeared to be the man from earlier. Well, that's what I thought at first. Taking a closer look, I realized it was just a dog wearing his clothes! That's when I noticed his left front paw causing my mouth to drop in response. It was a human's hand! That dog was the man from before! I knew I couldn't let myself end up like him. I had to find Mikba and tell her to remove her spell or whatever she did to me! I clenched the paper tightly in my ever-growing palm as I breathed deeply. I knew this wasn't going to be easy, but I wouldn't let that witch transform me.
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monstermaster13's avatar
I love me a good hypnosis transformation,  especially since in the past I have watched a ton of OrenOtter videos.