
Milk Gone Bad (Cow TF TG)

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After a recent string of transformations this last week, I found myself being burnt out on the whole TF scene. Transformations had begun to bore me, fatigue had set in and TFs no longer excited or surprised me. That was until breakfast this morning, that's when everything changed. You see, I had just gotten out of bed after accidentally sleeping through my alarm again. Luckily, it was a weekend so I wasn't late for my job this time. All I had planned for today was to eat breakfast, feed my beloved bird, and go outside. After brushing the sleep out of my eyes, I tossed on my housecoat and slippers and made my way downstairs. I walked into the kitchen, and opened up the fridge door. I grabbed a carton of milk, and made sure to check the expiry date very carefully. The stuff was still good, which is a good thing because I don't like to run out in the middle of the morning to get more. I took the carton of milk over to the breakfast table, and opened up the flap. I quickly poured the milk into bowl, as the white liquid sloshed the cereal flakes around.

I picked up my spoon and moved it towards the bowl, but stopped due to the whole situation feeling off somehow. Something was weird about this, I had this weird foreboding sense of danger. Oh well, I'll worry about that after breakfast! I dug my spoon into the bowl, and watched the crispy milk-soaked flakes float into the top of the spoon. I took the filled spoon, moved it towards my mouth, and took a bite. Right then and there I knew something was off. My taste buds were assaulted by a bizarre putrid taste as I soon found that the milk had gone sour! I coughed and sputtered as I dropped the spoon on the table. I couldn't believe it, I just bought this stuff a week ago! This stuff had gone putrid despite the fact that I just opened it today! I was hoping that this wouldn't give me food poisoning, but I soon found that to be the least of my worries. My stomach began churning at an alarming rate, I could feel my insides slosh around like strawberries in a blender.

This was the most bizarre stomach ache I ever had, never before have I felt something so bizarre and strange happen to my insides. As my stomach churned I felt something even weirder begin to take hold, as the contents of my stomach began to separate. It felt as though my stomach was beginning to divide into chambers, which could only mean one thing: I was transforming again! My stomach stopped churning, as the contents rested between the supposed chambers. I left the table in a hurry, and ran up to my bedroom. I didn't want to be in the living room for the occasional passerby to notice my transformation. The last time I got caught transforming in public, I got slapped with a lawsuit for indecent exposure! I couldn't let that happen again, this time I would transform where nobody could see me! As soon I entered my bedroom, I slammed the door as fast as I could.

I sat on my bed as I gripped my stomach, I was hoping that the coming changes would be a lot less awkward then this. Once again, I was proven wrong. My toes began to ache, I could feel them twitch uncontrollably. They began to bend, making me very afraid that they would break off! I sat down on my bed as my feet continued to shift and convulse. I removed my socks and looked at them, and found that they were beginning to merge. My toe-nails dissolved and became non-existent, as the flesh along my feet became hard as rock. My toes had now disappeared, and my leg now looked it was attached to a large black rock with strange aberrations at the bottom. One look at them told me exactly what they were: Hooves. Which means that I'm becoming some sort of farm animal! And considering what I just drank was milk, I could only guess that I was becoming a cow.

What was in that milk anyway? Was there some sort of strange preservative added to the cow's diet, or had I developed some sort of mutant allergy to milk? Whatever it was, it could only mean trouble for me! I had plans of going out today, the sun was out and it was the first day this week to not be rainy. As unfair it was, there was nothing I could do about it now. Speaking of unfair, I suddenly felt a strange pulling sensation occur between my legs. The pulling was happening in a very delicate area, reminding me that dairy cows are female. I gulped as I felt something very important disappear, causing me to investigate in a very bizarre manner. I reached down and pulled down my pajama pants. To my horror, it was gone! My manhood was gone, I was now female! That was something new to me, I felt like I just lost three cherished friends who helped through many romantic relationships.

As if that wasn't bad enough, my hips began to ache. The skin along them stretched, as my hips grew larger and larger. My hips became wider and more round, losing it's masculine shape. My pajamas were being stretch to their limit, but I had no intention of taking them off at all! I didn't want to gaze at my new nether regions, it just makes me feel way too awkward. I stood up as best as I could on my hooves, nearly teetering over in the process. I moved my hands down and nervously felt my hips. As I did so, I swivelled them around to get a good feel for how they move. I eventually removed my hands from them, not wanting to go into full-on grope territory. It was hard to believe that a grown man could have wide feminine hips like this, but here I was rocking them like a supermodel.

I wish I was becoming a supermodel, instead of a dumb old cow! Just then, I felt a strange itch correlate throughout my being. The itch was everywhere at once, and I had a feeling of what it was. My intuition was right as tufts of white and black fur began to erupt from the pores of my skin. The fur grew fast, becoming thick and long in the process. The shaggy fur began to rip through my clothing, tearing up my favorite pair of Philadelphia Eagle pajamas! I have four other pairs, but this had lasted me the longest! The fur continued to spread, until the thick mangy fur coated every inch of my being. The fur had even grown atop my unmentionables, making me very awkward and uncomfortable. My pajamas had been torn and ripped to shreds, but they were still somehow attached to my body. That soon changed when I felt another weird sensation occur between my legs.

It felt as thought some large organ was growing out from between my legs, it had to be an udder!  Not only was I now female, but I was also growing an udder! The large pink sack grew and grew, as it pushed the elastics of my pajama bottom to it's maximum. The udder was pink in color, and looked like a rather strange sack of flesh. It continued to grow and grow, as I found it fill with liquid. Four teats pushed out from the udder, perfect for a farmer to use for a proper milking. The last thing I wanted at the moment was a proper milking, I just wanted to return to being my normal male self! Well, normal for a constantly transformed guy. The udder pushed and pushed, until it ripped my pajamas wide open! This is insane, I can't wear any pants with this thing attached to me! I was now half-naked, but luckily my fur covered up any form of nudity that this bizarre situation would've brought about. It didn't matter though, nobody would be seeing me like this anyway.

I looked down at the strange fleshy apparatus, and slowly moved my fur-covered hands towards it. I grabbed hold of my udder and felt it, it was squishy and strangely soft. Just then, I felt a strange discomfort and moved my hands away. That's when I remembered that a cow's udder prefers the touch of warm hands, and my hands were all cold and sweaty from the transformation. My hands were about to get even more sweaty, as my chest began to ache. I looked down and found that the flesh on my chest was beginning to expand, and was pushing up my pajama top as it did so. The flesh was building into what I could believe to be breasts, yes I was now almost completely female! These breasts continued to grow out, ripping the top of my pajamas even more so then they already were. The boobs grew massive and tore though my shirts, I screamed as I noticed my new fuzzy melons.

The transformation soon took hold of my finger-tips, as the ends of my fingers turned black and became as hard as hooves. My finger-nails soon melted into my blackened finger-tips, but that was the least of my worries. My ears started aching, and I soon found them expanding and growing much larger. As my ear increased in size, so did my quality of hearing. The sounds of the world around me grew larger and my hearing became far more delicate. I could hear everything and it was driving me batty, I've always despised the increase in hearing whenever I transform. As this happened, my nostrils began to flare as I felt the bones inside my nose crunch. My nose began to expand, growing larger with each flare of my nostrils. My nostrils continued to grow, as the frame of my nose enlarged itself. My large snout connected with my mouth and formed into a muzzle, pushing out from my face in the process.
Smells wafted in through my nostrils to the point where I could smell the rotten moldy cheese on the counter all the way from upstairs! The next part of the transformation proved to be somewhat painful and uncomfortable, I could feel this odd change take hold in my throat. My throat became dry, it was as if I hadn't drank anything in the past four days! I coughed and sputtered, I felt an insane amount of discomfort from this part of the transformation. My throat felt like it was being pierced by knives, and the sound of my coughs became higher as a result. My voice sounded more and more delicate with each hack and cough. Eventually, the feeling faded and my throat felt normal once again. I couldn't say the same about my voice however. I decided to test my new voice and speak a couple words. "Hello, I think I'm Phil." I said to myself in a voice that clearly wasn't my own. It was much softer and far more feminine in tone.

Just as I stood marvelling at my new voice, I felt a painful feeling as if I was getting crushed by an invisible force. My sides drew inwards, as my frame became far more slender. I gained womanly curves in the process, making my hips look even larger than they already were. All of that weight training had just been tossed out the window, as my abdominals had now dissolved into nothing.  I looked down nervously at my feminine shape, especially at my new breasts. The sight delighted me, but I knew I had to look away. I didn't want to be a prude, and I knew that I didn't want to deal with the temptation for longer then I had to. I wanted to return to normal as soon as humanly possible, so I decided to go downstairs and read the back of the milk carton and figure out what's going on exactly. I walked over to the door as best as I could, but I soon tripped and fell after taking a few steps. I wasn't used to walking with hooves, so naturally had no clue on how to maneuver in this body. Still, I managed to stand myself back up on my hooves and waddle through the doorway. I left the room and entered the hallway. My udder shook back and forth, as my fur rubbed against my tattered pajamas with each step I took. I started off with simple baby steps, making sure not to overtax my new hooves. I finally made it to the stairs and looked down.

How could I possibly walk down all those steps with these hefty hooves? I lifted one hoof and front of the other and slowly walked down the stairs. I took careful steps, making sure not to trip and fall in the process. I took it as slow as I could, but eventually my hoof  hit a step and I toppled over like a sack of bricks. Luckily, I was only a few steps away from reaching the bottom so I didn't fall far at all. Still, the fall was still somewhat painful and surprising. I landed on my big snout, as my udder squished uncomfortably against the carpet. I let out a series of lowing sounds as I angrily kicked out my hooves and attempted to balance myself. I scrambled to my feet and abruptly stood up. Now that I wasn't on the stairs anymore, I could focus on getting to the kitchen and figure out what was in the milk that caused me to transform. I walked into the kitchen and spotted the somewhat ferment milk carton in the corner. In the middle of walking over to the table, I felt a strange and bizarre pain take hold of my backside. My tailbone began to ache, and I could feel the skeletal structure inside begin to alter slightly. My spine elongated, as the flesh along my tailbone pushed out along with my new bones. The unmistakable feeling of growing a tail once again took hold, as the appendage slowly grew out from my backside. The pain was immense,  causing me to start flinching like crazy. The tail grew out and became fairly long in the process, and I found that it was accented with a small black tuft at the end. I tried to ignore the tail and get to the table, but I found difficulty balancing with both my cumbersome hooves and my newfound tail. I lost balance and stumbled right into the table in mid-strut, knocking the carton right off the table in the process.

I fell to the ground, the carton landing right beside me in the process. Once I hit the ground, I reached over to the carton and held it up to my bovine face. I looked at the back and read through the ingredients, and I quickly found something that stood out to me. "Process with a special Dairy Mutagen blend, individuals with a history of transformations may suffer temporary relapses. Possible transformations will only last one week at the most." I sighed and picked up the half-empty carton. I placed it on the table, and lamented the fact that I'd have to deal with the temptation of my new body all week. I wanted to just mope and go back to my room, until I remembered something: I forgot to feed my pet cardinal, Phyllis today! I walked into the living room and found the little bird humming merrily. I was afraid the bird would freak out and screech upon seeing my form, but she seemed rather okay with it. She turned to me and continued to sing happily, what a nice little bird! I walked over to a nearby bag of birdseed, but I once again toppled over due to my uneasy posture. I landed face first into the birdcage, knocking it onto the floor. The latch opened wide, and Phyllis flew off. "Phyllis, get back here!" I knew I shouldn't have waited to get her wings clipped, that bird was going to get herself into trouble again!

I scrambled to my hooves and slowly speed trotted on my hooves to go get her. This female cow furry wasn't about to let her pet cardinal fly the coup! I walked into the kitchen and found her singing happily on the table. She noticed me and began humming once more. I slowly approached her, but the bird soon caught sight of something that I wish she hadn't seen. She turned to find the half-empty carton. The little cardinal began pecking at the carton, making me nervous that the bird would soon be splashed with the transmogrifying liquid. I ambled over to her, but soon found it to be too late. The bird pecked through the carton and the liquid poured all over her. "Oh no, Phyllis!" I didn't want to drag Phyllis into this! My own bird was about to get transformed! I stood there and stared at the drenched bird. The bird didn't seem to be all that bothered, until she began twitching uncontrollably. "Phyllis!" I watched in horror, as I soon found that... Nothing had happened at all. After a few minutes there was no sign of a transformation. That's when I remembered what the back of the box said, it only affects people with a history of transformations! That means Phyllis won't get dragged into this nonsense, at least not for today. I walked over to the tiny bird and picked her up. She was quivering, but still untransformed. "Phew, I'm glad you're okay!" The bird hummed once more as I petted her on the head. I can't say that this wasn't an uneventful day. The transformation was my most unique yet, but I've definitely had more uncomfortable ones. And at least Phyllis is still her usual humming self. I really wish that Jason hadn't recommended me this brand of milk, that surly raccoon has bad taste in groceries.
A commission long in the works, but could've been in the works longer if I hadn't gotten out of my funk and come back from hiatus! :D Made for :iconpheagle-adler: featuring him turning into a female cow furry. His beloved bird Phyllis also gets dragged into the shenanigans. Based off a pic Phil commissioned from :iconrobertge:. Since robertge drew it, there's an offhand mention of his raccoon character Jason in there. This is best read when drinking a glass of milk, especially one filled with mutagen. Enjoy, heifers. XD
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monstermaster13's avatar
Transformative milk is definitely one way to bring out someone's inner bovine.